Stuffed Fig with Goat Cheese

Stuffed Fig with Goat Cheese

Prep time: 35 minutes

Cook time: 10 minutes

Serves: 30

Black mission stuffed fig filled with creamy goat cheese, then topped with toasted walnuts and drizzling of honey. Served atop a peppery arugula and caramelized onion salad with a vinaigrette dressing. Smooth and savory with a slight sweetness on the palate. A classic pairing with Chardonnay.

Smooth Balance

This dish was part of a two-taste offering for the Chardonnay we were serving. As the other dish was sweet and spicy, I wanted this dish to have a cooler palate. Goat cheese is a go-to pairing with Chardonnay, and it offers a that rich, creamy, tangy experience that would contract (but not oppose) it’s neighboring bite. The arugula was added to cut through a bit of that richness.

Wine Pairing

Original Pairing: Raeburn Chardonnay

General Pairing: Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio

Menu Overview 

Specialty Ingredients

Ideally you would do stuffed figs with fresh figs. However, in a pinch dried figs rehydrated in a water bath will do. They weren’t as pretty, so I served over an arugula salad to build up the presentation.

Creamy Goat Cheese
A good goat cheese with a gentle tang. It should blend with the flavors and not overwhelm.


Sheet pan lined with Paper Paper
I use parchment paper a lot to ensure my stuffed figs don’t stick. I find aluminum foil doesn’t truly create a non-stick surface, especially with stick sauces that might burn on. Parchment works well every time.

Planning the Dish

Seasonality plays a role with this recipe, as in many areas fresh figs are not readily available all year round. I learned this the hard way and learned how to rehydrate dried figs for the cause. If that ends up being your circumstance, you need to give yourself some time for this process. Otherwise, it’s a pretty quick dish to make.


Early Day of: clean fresh figs or rehydrate if dried (water poaching bath).

1 hour prior: take out goat cheese to warm to room tempurature.

45 min prior: Prepare pan and start cutting figs

30 min prior: set up filling and begin piping

20 min prior: bake figs, warm up honey

Serve: plate figs and garnish with honey and walnuts

Plating Tips

With fresh figs, this can be a beautiful stand alone bite or set up on a tray. Let the honey drizzle flow onto the plate. you can sprinkle bits of walnuts around as well.

As I was stuck with rehydrating figs, it didn’t stand up as well. So I created a nest for with a small arugula salad and caramelized onions. Tasted lovely. You could also do a pickled shallot to bring in some better contrast.

see plating supply ideas in Resources area

Pairing Alterations

Goat cheese was specific for the wine pairing, though may other soft (or meltable) cheese can work with a stuffed fig. Cream cheese or brie. Of course, always check the flavors to make sure it pairs well with your choice of wine.

Toasted nuts are a lovely flavor layer to this dish. Also provides a nice crunch. Walnuts were a great pairing for this wine, but also consider slivered almonds or even pecans.


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  • Prep time: 35 minutes
  • Cook time: 10 minutes
  • Total time: 45 minutes
  • Serves: 30

Black mission figs filled with creamy goat cheese, then topped with toasted walnuts and drizzling of honey.


  • 30 figs, fresh preferred
  • 12 oz goat cheese, room temp
  • pinch salt, to taste
  • pinch pepper, to taste
  • 3/4 cup honey
  • 1/2 cup toasted walnuts, chopped to small bits


  • Clean and dry figs, trimming off any stems.

    Preheat oven to 350 and prepare a lined baking sheet (lined with parchment paper or silicon mat).

    Cut an “X” from the top of the fig going down about 3/4 to bottom. Gently open up the fig a bit and place it standing up on baking sheet

    Stir the goat cheese and add salt and pepper to taste. Then place in piping bag.

    Pipe cheese into each fig filling just to the top.

    Bake figs for 8-10 minutes.

    As figs are out of oven and cooling a bit, warm up the honey.

    Plate figs as desired. Then drizzle honey and sprinkle walnuts over top.

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