Comment Policy

Hey, so you tried a recipe and loved it? Maybe not so much? Maybe have a hot tip in how it could be better?  That’s great.  Comments are welcome for those who want to contribute to a healthy dialogue.

But, of course, as we know how the big old world of web works, there’s some ground rules. I reserve the right to remove or edit comments that are problematic. As well as remove and/or block commenters who are problematic.  I try really hard to be fair, so I ask the same of you.

What is not allow:

-No spam please. I’m using some spam filters that will auto delete spam-ish things. Plus there is my filter, my own mind.

-No foul language.  I don’t like, don’t want to hear it. I’m not even going to be nice about it if you are going to be rude.

– No derogatory or inflammatory comments.  If you can’t play nice, this is not the place for you.

-No bots or anonymous comments. Too suspicious.

-No off topic rants, or any rants really. Stick to the topics and don’t hog the dialogue. That’s for me to do.

-No inbedded links to another website.  My site is not here to promote your site (unless we have some sort of agreement, but it won’t be in comment section).  Unless you have a special link that is really on topic and supports it (helpful) and isn’t just to promote another site.   

No anchor text or keywords in your name. Again, not here to promote you or boost your ratings. It’s a nasty trick and I’m not play this game with cheaters.

No sales pitch. No affiliates,