Everything in this Minecraft Village cake is made from chocolate and candy melts molded into itty bitty square cube trays.
All the characters my kiddo requested specifically: Alex, horse, pig, cow, dolphin, zombie, creeper, ghast and cave spider. I play a little Minecraft with my kiddo, but I had to look up each of these guys to really get a good look at them. I then carefully carved and stuck these little candy squares together to create them.
Below are the tools and supplies I used to make the Minecraft themed cake.

Front Village: Chocolate ganache frosting is the base coating. All tiles make of chocolate and candy melts (molded into mini squares). Some Jimmy sprinkles for grass. Cut up gummy and jelly beans for veg patch.

Accents and Characters: Various colored candy melts and colorants. Every tile created by hand and “marbled” for effect (toothpicks are good for this).
Fire Blocks: Red and yellow marbling
Water Blocks: multi combinations of blues
Animals: Cows w/ white spots in with milk chocolate and dark chocolate. Also became dirt tiles. Pig is pink (red and white mix).
Stone Block: (white and blue with some black colorant). Also used for many creatures including dolphin, spider,
Green blocks: mix of blues and yellow for trees, creepers, zombie villagers. For trees, also added 6″ lolly sticks in bottom so you can stick it down into the cake for support.
These mold make all the same size squares, so you have to cut or carve out for certain characters.
If you get a basic primary color, you can then blend. But if you have a lot of one particular color (green), just get it in that color

Specialty Cake Supplies
I used a hard edged rectangular pan and with pan strips. This makes a dense, staight edged cake that holds a good shape (not a lot of leveling needed). I love my cake slicer for even cutting of large sheets of cake. The turn table keeps elevates and makes it easy to work on a 360 degree world.